Mana Pasifika is a working collaboration between Te Hiringa Hauora, Mapu Maia, Vaka Tautua the Mental Health Foundation and Pasifika health leaders Phil Siataga, Stephanie Erick, Tui Tararo.
At present our Pasifika communities are navigating the impacts of COVID-19, subsequent lockdown and recent racial discrimination. As a result we are seeing and hearing severe levels of anxiety and mental distress amongst Pasifika peoples. The Mana Pasifika psychosocial approach has been developed to:
Support Pasifika communities who are feeling anxious and distressed during these tough times.
Hone in on the importance of staying safe and connectedness.
Destigmatise help seeking, and encourage people that it’s ok to reach out! (via Mapu Maia, Vaka Tautua and 1737 COVID-19 specific helplines)
The approach is split into two key phases:
Phase One Response
is focused on addressing the immediate impacts of the lockdown period
Channels: Online, Radio and Social Media.
Phase Two Recovery
is focused on helping Pasifika communities post lockdown
Channels: Online, Radio, Print, Out of Home (billboards, bus backs, etc.) and Social Media.
Both phases, along with the entire approach, is designed to maximise reach and resonance with our Pasifika communities. This is a hyper-local approach in which we have prioritised specific regions and have selected mediums and media platforms based on those nuances. Additionally, we have focused on prominence within the community with multiple touchpoints to reach the widest range of demographics within our Pasifika communities.
Our vision is to deliver a unique approach that is both relevant and specific for Pasifika audiences and communities, building on key Pasifika values of Alofa (Love), Tautua (Service/To Serve), Fa’aaloalo (Respect), Aiga (Family) and Vā Fealoaloa’i (Relationships). An approach that is by us, for us, with us.
We have developed messages and online content to encourage Pasifika communities to “Stay Safe, Stay Connected”. Utilising social media, we have pushed out key messages to immediately respond to these tough times in our communities. These are currently running in translations for Samoan, Tongan and Cook Island languages, while we work toward expanding these out to more Pasifika languages. General messages include:
We are taking a generational approach to this focused on reaching the widest range of demographics within our Pasifika communities. Key audiences include:
Hapū māmā and new parents
Young people
Those with long term conditions (diabetes, heart disease, etc.)
Small business owners
Essential & Frontline workers
Resources including videos and social content are available for community organisations and others to promote the campaign in Pasifika communities:
To help spread the word you can:
Follow and share our posts on the Mapu Maia & Vaka Tautua Facebook pages
All assets are in the following link here and are updated regularly
Post our videos on social and use #staysafe #stayconnected